Recently James has been talking more and more. He has been saying "uh oh" when he drops something or does something bad. For example Nate was watching James this weekend, and I had left my cotton balls on the floor. He heard James saying "uh oh, uh oh." He looked over to find James taking the cotton balls out of their bag and throwing them onto the floor, saying "uh, oh" as he threw each one across the floor. He also says it every time he drops food onto the floor from his high chair. His other new phrase is "oh wow" I'm not really sure where he picked this one up, but Nate and James went for a bike ride to the store and the entire way there James was saying "oh wow, oh wow." I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what it means, but he sure loves to say it. I have to laugh right now. I'm sitting at home on call from work. As I sit alone in the living room, I start to hear noises coming from James' room.. I go to listen by the door, and I hear him saying "ah, dadda....ah dadda. Uh Oh, Uh Oh" I'm not really sure if he is just playing or sleep-talking. I'm thinking it's the latter since he quit after a few minutes, and he hasn't really made any noises since.

We were outside playing in the grass, and James was examining the weed flower he picked. He was very interested in it. He didn't even try to eat it! (which is huge for him!)
He just sat in the grass, thinking, and pondering life.
James has started to get much better at walking. He still toddles quite a bit, but he is definitely getting better at his balance. He wasn't too sure about walking outside though. I'm not sure how he feels about grass. :)
OK, so maybe this is how he feels about grass. Either that or he was really in need of a nap!
This is Jamey's mischievous look. He knows that he is not supposed to play by the cement, but as you can see, he is doing it anyway.
How can you not help but want to kiss and hug this kid!
"MOM, stop taking pictures!!!"
I was taking pictures of James playing, and I noticed he was quite fascinated by the pillow.... He then tried to eat it. Needless to say, that didn't work out too well for him :)
Nate came home while we were playing, and James wouldn't stop smiling and looking at his Dad. He's definitely a daddy's boy!
My precious son.
Life is beautiful. I hope to always remember how precious it is, and to treasure every single moment I have with my loved ones.