Monday, October 15, 2012


here mom, look at this rock I found!

Throwing a "rainbow"  (aka throwing the soccer ball on the roof and watching it fall down, not sure why he calls it that though, he just started saying it, so we went with it )

REFUSING to smile for me

All Smiles when dad's around though

such a BIG boy

his AWESOME new t-shirt

Well, the month of October seems to be FLYING by!  I can't believe how fast this year has gone.  All has been well here.  Every day James amazes me with new things he says and does.  He is quite the parrot.  The other day he looks at me and said "mom, don't hit people" followed by "don't hit the face, it's naughty"  At least I know he listens to what I say right?

I would love to say that James has become miraculously potty trained in the last few weeks, but alas, we seem to be at a stand-still.  I'll see him hiding behind the couch, grunting, squatting, and concentrating really hard, and I'll ask him if he wants to go use the potty chair, and he will usually respond by either hiding farther behind the couch or saying "no, no potty chair."  Then if I ask if he has gone poop, he will respond with "No, no poopy" despite the retched smell emanating from his backside :)

Sadly we have not yet broken the pacifier habit yet either.... hopefully by 3 right :)  Lately James has been falling out of bed at night, and we have been having to go put him back into bed in the middle of the night.  He is usually just laying on the floor, face down, past out.

Nate if finally done with sprinklers and volleyball for the season!  This means we might actually get to see him a little more :)  Basketball starts next week, but it shouldn't be nearly as intensive as volleyball was.  I know I'll blink my eyes and it will be December and baby time!

Speaking of baby, all is going great.  I took my Glucose test today.  I am always so nervous that I'll end up having Diabetes.  I would make a TERRIBLE diabetic, and would probably end up having a 13lb child, so hopefully that will come back negative :)  Otherwise, baby is doing well.  I'm getting bigger and bigger.  I still have 5lbs to go before I reach what I was when I had James, but I'm thinking I just might surpass that mark with this one :)  I'm really just hoping this child doesn't have the big Norby noggin (yes Nate, I'm blaming you for James' 90th percentile head :)  I love my midwife and I am starting to get really nervous / excited about meeting this little fella.  Next week I have an ultrasound to check on the placenta again (It was a little too close to my cervix last time) and I'm really excited to see him again.  I'm really hoping they'll turn on the 3D ultrasound for me.  We still haven't really gotten the room ready for him, but I figure I've got 10 weeks right :)  I'm not too worried.  I have all of the baby stuff and clothes organized in boxes in James' closet, so it shouldn't take too long to put everything together. If all else fails, I'll just send Nate home to do it when I'm in labor and he is driving me bonkers :)

Work for me has been going well.  I sense a lot of positive change hopefully coming our way.  I can't believe I've been there almost a year already!  I'm really excited that I'm going to get to cut down after the baby arrives though.  As much as I LOVE what I do, I'm really starting to feel the effects of working full-time.  I don't know how you moms out there do it!  I'll be dropping down to 32hrs a week after the baby is here, so that should definitely be a big improvement in my schedule.

Well, I suppose it's time for supper. James is asking for skittles, but I'm thinking I'll have to pull the mom card and feed him something a little more nutritious :)  I'm  thinking probably noodles with alfredo :)  That's a little healthier right?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

photo session with mom and dad

mom, i hate pictures!!!

no, not the tickles!!!

tickling James incessantly was the only way to get him to smile

I kinda' look like my dad is this picture

waving bye bye to his soccer ball

my little athlete

play time with dad is the best

best smile of the afternoon, and he is sticking his tongue out at me

again, smile brought about by more incessant tickling

"Hello, who is there?"

quick wardrobe change with mom

and James was done, he said no more and started climbing up the stairs. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

outdoor fun

playing soccer in our "yard"

the best smile i could get.  He wasn't in the mood for pictures

racing down the slide!

me and my boy

Parks are fun for dads too


playing chalk on our patio