Yikes, I can't believe you are already 3+ months old! Samuel you have changed so much in the last 3 months, and I can't believe how quickly the time is going. You are a sweet, laid back baby. You are in love with you big brother, and if he is in the room, nothing else can hold your attention. Here are your 3 month stats
- You weigh in at a whopping 14lbs and are 26in long
- You sleep very well and quite a lot. I usually put you to bed between 9:30 and 10:00pm and you will sleep until 7 or 8 in the morning. In fact, this morning I WOKE YOU UP to eat at 8:00 and you went back to sleep and it's now 11:00 and you are still snoozing!
- You have officially graduated from your bassinet to your big boy crib (tear). You look so tiny in that big bed. We were able to fit your brother's old crib in the closet. It was a tight fit, but we did it.
- You eat every 2-3 hours during the day and take 4-5oz at a time if you are given a bottle. I am still nursing you when I'm home though
- I started back to work the week before you turned 3 months, and you did splendidly at your first few days at daycare. Miranda says you eat, sleep, and watch the big kids play
- You have started sitting up better in your bumbo, and dad even brought out the jumperoo for you to play with. You do pretty well in it and will usually jump for 15 minutes or so before getting cranky
- You still are rolling over from your stomach to your back, and usually will do so within seconds of trying to do tummy time.
- You are still wearing size 1 diapers, but I ordered size 2 for my next shipment
- You love your baths, and will splash like a madman. You spend 20-30 minutes in the bath a night just splashing and smiling
- You are on your second set of ear molds for your hearing aids, and I'm thinking I need to take you in soon to get you 3rd mold made. You don't seem to mind them too much. You have them on whenever you're awake (which isn't too often during the day) It's hard to tell how much of a difference they make right now, but I do think you seem more attentive when they're in. Nicole and Kristi come once a week to make sure everything is going well with your development, and so far, everything is going splendidly
- I cherish every laugh and smile you give me. You tend to be extra smiley in the mornings :)

James helping you play with your toy |