On Friday Nate and I went to Fargo and we decided to purchase the stroller and car-seat. This is the one that we picked out. Nate made sure to try it out in the store to make sure that it handled well and could accommodate all of his daddy stroller pushing needs. This is our last big purchase that we needed to get before baby arrives, so I think we are doing pretty well.

I ordered the crib last week and it got in today, so Nate is picking it up after work :) We just need to paint the nursery now. So many little projects and so little time to do them...
Baby has been moving and kicking like crazy this last week. Sometimes I will just sit and watch my belly move. It will just ripple from one side to the other. Nate loves to feel his little butt sticking up by my diaphragm.
I was still measuring one week ahead at my dr. visit on Friday, so that's good I guess. I just hope I don't have the makings of a 10 pound kid in me. I have still been contracting which has been kinda' annoying. They are only 1-2 times an hour right now, but I've been watching to make sure they don't get any more frequent than that. I just wish they would stop. They can come back in about 10 weeks when I'm ready for them.
I must really be starting to look like a pregnant person now because at the mall on Friday One lady gave me a $10 gift card because she said she wasn't going to use it and figured I could since I was going to be a new mom, and then in the bathroom the lady in front of me let me use the only open stall first since I was pregnant and she "remembered what that was like."
Well I suppose I should do something productive like clean or cook or do laundry.
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