Friday, June 25, 2010

The Last Month Begins!

We are down to the last 5 weeks! WOW! Things really seem to be moving fast now. The nursery is almost completed. I purchased some more fun things for baby, and my body is starting to tell me that it is done being pregnant :) My feet are now continuously swollen (as opposed to getting gradually more swollen as the day would go on). This I am attributing to the warm, humid weather we have been having lately.

I have started to notice more contractions, and some are even a little uncomfortable. My belly is pouching out like crazy, and I even noticed some stretch marks along the bottom :( I had been trying to avoid them, but sometimes mother nature has it's way. At least my belly is not covered in them like some women. I am up to a 20lb weight gain now. It is very strange for me to be this "heavy" I Know that it is not me that weighs this much, but a combo of baby and I, it is just strange to see such a BIG number when I step on the scale. Hopefully after baby boy norby is born I can have the motivation and diligence to work off my baby chub :)

I ordered some uppercase living for our house this week from my friend who sells it. I am really excited. I got a cute expression for baby's room and two for our living room/entry way. I also managed to put up a few of our photos that had been collecting dust in the office since we moved. Our house is slowly starting to come together.

Nate has been working for GreenWorks Landscaping for a few weeks now, and I really think he is starting to enjoy it. At least, It has seemed to spark a little bit more interest for him in his job. I think he really enjoys working outside with his hands. Plus it gives him some crazy new muscles from lifting bricks all day. He has started to work on our lawn, tearing down some of the craziness that was there and just tidying it up. The fish he put in our pond seem to be thriving, and I'm pretty sure feeding them at the end of his day is one of his favorite things to do.

Well we are supposed to be headed to the lake today so I should probably hop to it and get some stuff done before we leave. Laundry/Packing/Cleaning/Bills. Doesn't it just sound like fun :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Six pounds up and Six weeks left.

34 weeks! YIKES! this means only 6 weeks left until D-Day! I had my appointment yesterday and was a little shocked to see myself up 6 pounds in the last 2 weeks! apparently the little monster is starting to pack on the pounds. (this is what I am choosing to blame it on, because I'm sure it has nothing to do with the ice cream, brownies, and chocolate bars) Everything continues to look good with baby. He is still growing right on schedule and moving like crazy. My legs and feet are still incredibly swollen, but again it hasn't been too terrible.

I had my birthday this last weekend and spent it doing all sorts of fun things. I got up in the morning and did some garage sale-ing. I got a $300 breast pump for $50. I figured I can just buy new parts and just sanitize the heck out of the rest. All in all it was a really good deal. I also decided to take in the all city garage sale. This event always makes me laugh as people think they can sell their junk at insanely high prices. For example people were selling bottles of shmpoo and conditioner for $3 and $4 a piece. I only ended up buying a little outfit the the baby, but it was still entertaining.

After the sale, I decided to treat myself to a pedicure. Below you will see a picture of my superbly pedicured nails. I had a male do the pedicure again. For some reason there can be 30 girls and 1 guy in a salon and I will 99% of the time end up getting the guy. Anyway he did some weird voodoo stuff to my feet and cracked all the little bones because he said it would help with my back pain. It was quite interesting. While I was waiting for my nails to dry Nate surprised me by coming home early from work to take me out to lunch :) We then took in some more garage sales and purchased a new air hockey table. I must say, it's pretty sweet.

In the Afternoon we decided to go home and finish painting the nursery. I think that it turned out pretty well. The blue is a little intense, but overall I like it. I have a few more projects to finish and things to put up, but it is pretty finished for the most part.

In the evening we went out for dinner to the blue moose. It is one of my favorite restaurants, and your meal is free on your birthday. After, I made nate take me to see Sex and the City 2. We were both less than impressed and sadly, the best part of the two and a half hour movie were the previews. On the way home I was getting in the car contemplating what a great birthday I had had and all of a sudden I felt a rip. Sure enough my pregnancy pants ripped right up the middle. I guess my clothes are starting to feel that 16lb weight gain I have had.
Hopefully it won't be too much longer now. Every day that goes by I marvel at how incredibly blessed Nate and I are. I try to not take a single thing for granted and enjoy each day that we are given with this wonderful gift.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday, Friday, Friday

All I would like to say this morning is thank you cold medicine for the best 4 hours of sleep I have received in a very long time! (I guess it also helped that I slept 10hrs yesterday as well :)

Everything continues to go well with baby. 33 weeks now, and I can't believe it! Time just seems to be zipping by! Nate (and yes, just nate) finished painting the nursery last night! We ended up painting it a cornflower blue and Now today I think we are going to paint a dark brown strip to break it up a bit. Hopefully it will look really cute when I get the crib, bedding and accessories it there. I will definitely post pictures. I think once we get the nursery done things will really start to feel more real!

I am hoping to go garage sale-ing this weekend starting this morning. Last weekend I got a really cute baby sling, so I hope to pick up some more treasures this weekend. I am having a hard time paying full price for a lot of baby things when 1)babies will use them for such a short period of time and 2)I am able to find good deals at garage sales!

I decided to put in for a 12 week maternity leave at work :) I am a little nervous that it will get to be too long, but I have a feeling that once this little man is here I will be glad that I put it to spend the whole 3 months with him. I say this considering that he will most likely have to go to daycare 3 days a week or else nate will be staying home with him (More than likely the first one) I looked in to some daycares last weekend and YIKES are they ever expensive! I wanted to use one that was not too far from my house but they only accepted full time infants which would cost $700/month! I would only need daycare 3 days a week, so I am hoping to find someone who can do it only part time. Still on the search though.

My ankles continue to swell up like crazy while I am at work. I bought a pair of support hose which make a world of difference, but they still are swollen when I am done with my 12+ hour shifts. But I must say if this is my biggest problem is pregnancy, I consider myself very lucky.

Well I am off to start my garage sale-ing journey today. Hopefully the rain doesn't wash me away.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

8 more weeks...yikes!

So we are officially under 2 months left. I am so not ready!!! This little man will be here in no time and to be honest, I am a little terrified. :)

We went home to Williston this last weekend for Abbie's high school graduation, and it was nice to be home. We got to see family and take it the craziness that has erupted in Williston. I also hit up some garage sales and got some cute stuff for baby. One of the pastor's at New Hope is having a sale in 2 weeks and let me go through her stuff. I got 4 bags of clothes! It was very nice of her.

As you can see from the picture, my belly is getting quite large! Not many clothes fit any more and I am finding it hard to believe that this little man still needs to double in size! He moves around like crazy. I am even finding it hard to fall asleep because he moves around SOOO much. Not that I am complaining. It is an amazing feeling. I definitely think I will miss this part of being pregnant when it's over.

I still have my cough and it seems to be getting worse. I have had it for 5 weeks now and lets just say I'm over it. I get up and cough my brains out and then proceed to puke my guts out because I have been coughing so hard. I have an appointment on Wednesday, so maybe Dr. Howick can come up with something new to try.

Well Lots of work to do today. Must stay motivated :)