We went home to Williston this last weekend for Abbie's high school graduation, and it was nice to be home. We got to see family and take it the craziness that has erupted in Williston. I also hit up some garage sales and got some cute stuff for baby. One of the pastor's at New Hope is having a sale in 2 weeks and let me go through her stuff. I got 4 bags of clothes! It was very nice of her.
As you can see from the picture, my belly is getting quite large! Not many clothes fit any more and I am finding it hard to believe that this little man still needs to double in size! He moves around like crazy. I am even finding it hard to fall asleep because he moves around SOOO much. Not that I am complaining. It is an amazing feeling. I definitely think I will miss this part of being pregnant when it's over.
I still have my cough and it seems to be getting worse. I have had it for 5 weeks now and lets just say I'm over it. I get up and cough my brains out and then proceed to puke my guts out because I have been coughing so hard. I have an appointment on Wednesday, so maybe Dr. Howick can come up with something new to try.
Well Lots of work to do today. Must stay motivated :)
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