Labor and delivery went really well. I came in for an induction on Thurs. the 22nd at 3. Betsey Horken was my labor nurse until 11pm and did a fabulous job. Pitocin was started at 4:30 and I started to feel contractions around 5:30 and at around 6pm they tried to break my water but baby was still too high. At 9:00pm they were able to successfully break my water and the contractions really started to get more uncomfortable. I got an epidural at around 9:30 by Curt and he did an absolutely amazing job. He was done before I even knew he had started. I rested on and off until around 5am when I really started to feel uncomfortable again. Judy was my labor and delivery nurse and did a fabulous job. Curt came in and tried to give me a couple of boluses in my epidural but I started to feel a lot of pressure in my bottom. I had just a little bit of cervix left, but they decided that I could push past it. I started pushing at 6:45am. Jamey didn't like pushing and had late variable decelerations with contractions. I was starting to get really uncomfortable and tired with pushing and so a little before 8am they decided to use a vacuum to help Jamey come out. He had a nuchal cord x1 and arrived into this world at 8:05am.
He had a little trouble transitioning and he went into the NICU for the first hour. He was having some retracting and nasal flaring but it seemed to resolve itself in a few hours.
Everything has been going fabulously since Jamey arrived. He is a fabulous eater and would eat all day and night if I let him. He is also a very content baby. He very rarely cries and is easily consoled when he does. He got his circumcision done today, but seems to have tolerated it well. My dad and his wife Julie has been up to visit us as well as my brother and a few co-workers and friends.
Motherhood has been absolutely wonderful so far. I feel so amazed and blessed. Nate has been a wonderful support to me and a fabulous father to Jamey. He has been so sweet and I can feel the love that flows between our little family. As I sit here in our hospital room our last night in the hospital I praise God for such a blessed life that we have been given.
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