James is a very serious baby. When we originally picked out the name "james" we thought that we would pretty much just be calling him "jamey" but I find myself calling him "james" quite often. I think this is because of his often serious and intense expressions. He often will just sit and stare very intently ahead. He has started to seem more interested in his surroundings this last week. I have been thinking about buying him an activity center to play under. Something that he can lay under and look up at all the cool stuff.
James has started holding up his head a lot more this last week. He still is a little wobbly, but I can definitely tell those neck muscles are strengthening. I have been working on giving him more "tummy time" so that hopefully we can start working on rolling over.
My little monster is still eating like a champ, and it is finally starting to show. His legs and arms are really starting to pudge out. He finally has a few little rolls! I only wish that he didn't like eating so much at night so I could sleep for longer than 2 hour intervals!!
Well I am down to my last 3 weeks of maternity leave! I cant believe how fast it is just flying by. Nate is in the subbing mode and will be doing that full time this fall. We still aren't sure what our plans are yet for daycare, but I'm sure it will work itself out.
I was a bad mom this last week and forgot to take pictures of James meeting Sara and Tyler. They came to visit on Monday. Tyler wasn't too sure what to think of "his baby james" he held him a few times and enjoyed helping James put his pacifier back in his mouth. I could, however, tell that Tyler wasn't too fond of attention being on James and not on him, as I think he is used to. I could definitely tell he is an only child :) Aunt Sara did bring us some cute new outfits for winter. It has been absolutely freezing here lately, and I think we will be adding many extra layers of clothes these next few weeks!!
Well James is finally asleep, so I guess I should be too :)
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