Here is a video I got of James rolling over. He has finally figured it out! He still wont roll from his back to his belly, but I think it's because he has figured out that he HATES being on his belly!

I bought James a bath toy! It's a little rubber duck. "Duck" was my very first word as a baby, and my toy ducks were my absolute favorite. I hope James can enjoy his duck, as much as I enjoyed mine! He still loves his baths. He splashes like crazy until he finally wears himself out and tells me it's time for bed.
Today Jamey was sitting next to me while I was ordering Christmas presents online. I looked over when I heard a strange noise, and I realized that it was James SNORING! He had past out slouched over in the chair. I guess shopping really isn't his thing.
This is Jamey's very FIRST Christmas ornament I picked out for him this year.
I helped him put it on the tree. He wasn't too sure about it, and he tried to eat it. He then proceeded to fight me for it when I tried to take it from him. He does, however, enjoy the tree and will just sit and stare at the blue and white lights.
We tried rice cereal for the first time this week. James wasn't too sure what to think about it. He would slurp it out of the spoon and then spit it out. I then put the cereal in his bottle, and he ate it in about 5 seconds. Needless to say, he was a fan.
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