I can't believe it! My baby is a half a year old! He had his well baby check up this week and he is: 17lb 6oz and 27 inches long! He is still a long and skinny boy!
James is just such a sweet and happy baby. He loves to laugh and smile and play. He still refuses to roll over from his back to his belly. He rolls like a champ from his belly to his back though. I try to keep him on his belly for a while, but he usually gets angry and fights me until I let him roll over. He has also started sitting up by himself. He needs a little support and can only hold himself steady for a few seconds, but he is getting it. I have a feeling he will be walking before he starts to crawl too. He still loves to stand and be upright. Maybe soon we will get to see those first few steps! I am, however, really enjoying this immobile stage.
We have started to introduce solids into Jamey's diet. We started with rice cereal last month, and we have now tried green beans and sweet potatoes. James hated all of it! The first time we tried green beans he spit them out at me and threw the spoon across the room.
James is still going to day care a few days a week, and he still loves it! Another baby started there this month, and so he is no longer the "baby." My friend and co-worker is sending her 3month old, Chase. I hope they can start to become best buds :)
It has been crazy cold here and a ton a snow, so the only time we spend outside is the short jaunt to the car. Hopefully spring will come soon, and we can spend some time outside playing. I'm excited for this summer to take James for walks to the park down the street! Summer really can't come soon enough!
One of the funniest things Jamey has been doing lately has to do with his unfortunate gas problem. While in the tub, he often feels the need to let one loose. These farts are often silent, but deadly. The only clue we often have that he has been farting is that all of a sudden he starts coughing. I think the smell is so bad, that he cant breath and starts to cough!
Nate and I have been staying busy doing the same old, same old. I'm still working my straight nights at the hospital, but kinda' wishing I could be on a more normal schedule. It's hard being so opposite of everybody (hence why I'm writing this a four in the morning!) Nate has been subbing for the district, which has been OK. He would really like to find a permanent teaching position. We are praying something opens up for this fall. It's just so hard to get a job when you have no experience, but nobody will give you any.
As I said before James loves to play with his dad. The minute Nate comes home, James is all smiles for him.
James also love to watch television. He especially loves baby Einstein. I can sit him in front of it for almost an hour and he will just sit and watch the whole time, even if he had previously been cranky! He also enjoys watching his dad play video games. James, however, must also have a controller or he gets mad.
This is a picture of James all wrapped up for bed. We still swaddle him, and he still sleeps 10+ hours a night for us. I know we should stop weaning him out of the swaddle, but I enjoy his sleeping so much! I'm hoping he will just eventually stop needing it. I tried the other night to just put him down, and he woke up after only 5hrs, wide awake until I swaddled him and rocked/fed him back to sleep. Oh well. who need good sleeping habits.
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