So This poor baby has a nasty cold and ear infection :( I took him in to the walk-in clinic this morning, because he has woken up screaming the last two nights. He indeed had ear infections in both ears. The doc put us on some antibiotics, and hopefully it will clear up soon. We are planning to go to Brookings this weekend for Easter, so hopefully he will be better by then. I also still have a cough, and sound like a 3 pack a day smoker. I am starting to think mine may be more to do with allergies or some sort of asthma than a virus, however. I might see if I can get the resident on tonight to give me a script for something.
Anyway, the pictures on this post are from last week (obviously from the absence of SNOW in the pics). We took James outside and let him play around in the grass for a while. He really enjoyed it. He wasn't too sure at first, but then he started to play with the grass and eat it )
The first touch of grass on his fingertips.
The sun was quite bright this day
Daddy making him laugh
My Two boys.
SO happy to be outside playing.
My goofy baby wouldn't smile with me. He kept wanting to get down and play.
Nate finally made him smile.
Learning to walk.
Not liking the falling over part.
Best Buddies
James sticking that tongue out :)
Well I will try and post the video of James crawling this week. It has just been a busy week. I should really be getting to bed now, as I work at 7. Here's hoping James ha a good day at daycare, and I don't get called to pick him up 5 minutes after falling asleep :)
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