Look at this cute boy. Almost makes me forget that I turned 25 this last weekend!
He was trying to climb up the couch before we left. he is such a climber, and is into EVERYTHING!
James and Nate out for a walk
Nothing like the relationship between a father and son.
It was nap time, can you tell?
It was such a beautiful day. We got to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine for the first time in a while. If you notice James is wearing Jeans and a Sweatshirt, but this is only because he HATES being cold. The jeans he is wearing are GAP jeans that I got at a rummage sale for $2! They are quite nice, but sadly 12-18 months. I say sadly, because he fills them out quite well. I was planning on them being used this fall, but I'm not sure his growing body will fit into them come september!
Changing diapers is fun!
Making Faces.
Watching Dad while he fishes
See the tongue out? This is a very common look for my 10 month old. It is his look he makes whenever he is exploring and learning. He is always trying to figure things out. I was shocked when I gave him a DVD case and he figured out how to open it. He has also recently become fascinated by gravity, so pretty much everything gets thrown to watch it fall. Oh the joy :)
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