Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my beautiful baby boy.  I love you so much James Peter, and I am so very happy that you made me a mommy 2 years ago.  I love your goofy grin, you ability to make me laugh until I cry, and your kind and loving spirit.  You are a wonder and a joy to me.  You are a fantastic child, and I can't wait for you to be a big brother. 

In honor of James' second birthday, I thought I would share his birth story, from two years ago.  Happy Birthday baby, I love you!

James Peter Norby entered our hearts at 8:05am on July 23red 2010. He weighed a wopping 7lbs 5.2oz and was 19.5in long. He is a scrawny little boy with one big head :) (his head is 14in big compared to his 12.5in chest :)

Labor and delivery went really well. I came in for an induction on Thurs. the 22nd at 3. Betsey Horken was my labor nurse until 11pm and did a fabulous job. Pitocin was started at 4:30 and I started to feel contractions around 5:30 and at around 6pm they tried to break my water but baby was still too high. At 9:00pm they were able to successfully break my water and the contractions really started to get more uncomfortable. I got an epidural at around 9:30 by Curt and he did an absolutely amazing job. He was done before I even knew he had started. I rested on and off until around 5am when I really started to feel uncomfortable again. Judy was my labor and delivery nurse and did a fabulous job. Curt came in and tried to give me a couple of boluses in my epidural but I started to feel a lot of pressure in my bottom. I had just a little bit of cervix left, but they decided that I could push past it. I started pushing at 6:45am. Jamey didn't like pushing and had late variable decelerations with contractions. I was starting to get really uncomfortable and tired with pushing and so a little before 8am they decided to use a vacuum to help Jamey come out. He had a nuchal cord x1 and arrived into this world at 8:05am.

He had a little trouble transitioning and he went into the NICU for the first hour. He was having some retracting and nasal flaring but it seemed to resolve itself in a few hours.

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