Merry Christmas from the Norbys Nate, Karlea, James and Sam |
Our Christmas Tree |
Nate and James on Christmas Eve |
James and I on Christmas Eve |
Opening one gift on Christmas Eve before I had to go to work |
Almost 40 weeks pregnant with Sam |
Christmas Gift from grandma and grandpa Norby |
James opening his stocking Christmas morning. I woke him up as soon as I got home from work. He was a little tired. 7:30am is a little early for this kid (he usually sleeps in until almost 10) |
James was very excited about his vikings jersey. He took it out of his stocking and proudly stated, "Santa brought bikings shirt!" - James can't say vikings, but rather pronounces it "bikings" |
putting together the train set my dad got James. It was a little intense, and James was really excited to play with it |
Sorry for this post being one month late. I would love to have sent out cute Christmas cards and a lovely Christmas letter, but sadly, life was a little hectic around Christmas time this year :) I worked Christmas eve and Christmas day, but we still managed to celebrate. James received an abundance of gifts (partially my fault, as I kept finding things he would like :)
James loved opening presents, and he will still ask for santa presents on occasion. Anything that comes in a box is now a present, including his box of diapers that came the other day. He couldn't wait to open his "Present" and he was very good at helping open Sam's presents