I can't believe my baby is 2 and a half years old. It is so crazy to me how old he is getting. He has become quite the chatterbox and loves to repeat everything Nate and I say. He is really good about saying things like "I love you, mom" and "I sorry, I naughty" He also loves his brother Sam and usually says things like "It's Sam, he's really cute" or if Sam is crying he will say "Oh no, Sam's crying! He's hungry, really hungry"
James has become quite the picky eater. He will only eat a select number of things including macaroni, cheese, bread, candy, and if we are lucky he will eat a few bites of whatever we are eating for the night. We learned that James is most likely lactose intolerant. Whenever he drinks milk he gets terrible diaper rash. So, I decided to try almond milk, or white juice as James called it....well that didn't work out so well for him either as he broke out in an awful rash from his head to his toes. Apparently he is allergic to almonds. So, no more white juice for James.
James still loves his movies. His current favorites are "how to train your dragon" and of course "toy story" He can repeat just about every major line in both. He loves to put on his cowboy hat and be cowboy James. He also loves to listen to the music from toy story. He can sing "you've got a friend in me" "Woody's round-up" and "I will go sailing no more" He has little buzz and woody dolls that he loves to have go flying on a rocket ship and that he likes to tuck into bed with his blankets.
James has definitely becoming a little more of a handful as he approaches 3. He has starting throwing tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. He will hit, and throw things, and say things like "GO AWAY MOM" He will also take our faces into his hands and say "Look at me" when he really wants us to pay attention to him. Although he gets a fare number of spanks and time-outs, he really is a good child. For the most part, he listens when we ask him to do things, he says please and thank-you, and he knows he has been naughty, and will say he is sorry.
Potty training. Not going to happen for this child, ever.
Making a tower with his blocks. He and Nate like to make them as tall as they can and then knock them over. |
no smiles for mom |
getting into mischief |
making sugar cookies with mom |
trying out the dough |
wearing his pumpkin coat |
sneaking some bread |
double fisting it |
wearing his snow-pants so he and nate can go make a snowman outside |
putting up the Christmas tree |
putting ornaments on the tree |
Getting his ornament for the year, a buzz lightyear action figure |
wearing uncle Aaron's shoes |
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