My sweet 2 year old. We have been working on going potty in the toilet. I decided to try using the sticker chart method. He gets a fun Dora, Thomas the Train or Cars sticker if he goes potty and a TOY STORY sticker if he goes poop..... so far no toy story stickers have been given out. Last night in the bathtub he started yelling "OH NO, help help" When Nate looked over James had left him a very special present in the tub.... At least we have good supply of bleach in our home :) |
Getting BIG! He was 12lb on Sunday when I weighed him (almost a pound bigger than his brother at the same age. He is so sweet, and I just love his baby chub. |
No James, open your eyes not your mouth :) |
My Boys |
My Sweet Sam |
Doesn't he look BIG in this one! I can't believe he is 2 months old this week! He is changing so fast |
I haven't talked on here about Sam's hearing loss. He failed his infant hearing screen that they did in the hospital after he was born. I wasn't really worried at the time because a good portion of kids fail. We went in to do a follow-up a week later and he failed again. The next day he had his 2 week well-baby visit and Dr. Holland suggested we try and test it again one more time. So a couple weeks later we re-tested it again, and again he failed. The audiologists suggested we do what's called an ABR to determine what was going on with his hearing, so on February 8th we went in for this test. They stuck little electrodes on his head and measured his brain waves as they played sound in his ears. After the test (which took about 2 hours) they determined that he has moderate hearing loss. What this means, is that without any type of hearing intervention, he would have a hard time understanding a lot of what is said in basic conversation. So, our next step was to get Sam fitted for hearing aids. We did that last week, and he will get them on Friday. We are just taking everything one step at a time right now and trying to just love and enjoy our little baby. The good news is because we caught his hearing loss so early, his speech and language development should hopefully stay on track.
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