James is 3 weeks old already! It is just crazy how fast the time is going. It feels like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. I can't believe that I will have to go back to work in just 6 short weeks. James has been such a good baby for us. He continues to love to eat and when he is not eating he loves to suck on his pacifier. He seems to be more and more animated and loves to make lots of silly faces at us He does have a little bit of a gas problem, but we invested in some mylecon drops, and they seem to do the trick. He has been sleeping better at night and still gets up 2 or 3 times to eat, but has been better about going back to sleep. We took our first car trip to Williston and then the Cabin and he tolerated it very well.
We first went to Williston to celebrate my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary. It was a pretty good trip. We stayed at Grandma Kittelson's house and James did very well. He slept in his new pack and play like a champ and didn't keep his grandparents up at all.
We next traveled the 9 hours to the Cabin to spend a week with Nate's family. James was also a big hit here with all his cousins and aunts and uncles. He definitely got spoiled for the week. James and I pretty much hung out inside as it was either really hot or really cold. Nate and I did get to do some fishing and of course we played some pretty intense games of nertz with the family.
I am getting really excited for my mom and sister to come visit at the end of the month. I am sure that they are getting excited to come up here too :) It will be so nice to see them and for Tyler to meet his favorite (and only) cousin.
Life as a new mom continues to be wonderful. There are many sleepless nights and days where I count the minutes until Nate gets home, but I love my little munchkin, and my life is so blessed to have him in it.
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