I can't believe James is one month old already!! Time is just flying by. He is a whopping 8lbs 4oz. I don't have a tape measure, so I'm not sure how long he is, but his legs seem to be getting a little longer and chunkier. He still loves to eat, and lately I think he has been going through a growth spurt. He has been eating every 2 hours during the day and waking up every 3 hours at night. Last night I was so tired that when he woke up to eat it took me a while to realize that it had only been a half hour since he had finished eating, but he was still ready to eat again!
I have been busy at home doing all sorts of fun things like laundry, cleaning, and taking care of my little munchkin. He definitely keeps me busy, but I love every minute of being home with him, and I will be so sad to go back to work in a few weeks.
The other day I bought a swing from amazon. It's called MamaROO. I'm hoping that it will allow me to put him down for a few minutes in the afternoon so I can get some stuff done!
I also designed his birth announcements. I just need to have them printed and they will be ready to send out. My thank-you's will be coming soon as well, it has just been a little busy :) they are sitting in my "to do" pile on my counter.
Well Jamey should be ready to get up from his nap soon, and I suppose I should eat something before he does! I can't believe how fast this first month has gone, and I know that in the blink of an eye he will be all grown.
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