Saturday, May 7, 2011

My little Monster

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crawling video

So I am finally getting a video on here on Jamey crawling.  Please ignore my voice.  He is crawling even faster now, and is climbing up on everything!  Let's just say we have had a lot of "bonks" lately.  

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pics of our family

James wearing his awesome scrubs from Grandpa Pete and Julie that he got for Easter.  The say "Dr. Norby" on them

This is James "I am so mad right now" face.  He screams and waves his arms frantically.  I think he was tired of taking pictures and ready for a nap.

James got bubbles for easter from Grandpa and Grand Norby.  He was fascinated by them.

He figures out how to pop them.  He still wasn't to sure that to think of them.

My baby boy on his first Easter Sunday

He is just so darn cute, I can't stand it some days.

He refused to smile for a picture with mom.

This is the first family photo we have had since Thanksgiving!

This is our beautiful new nephew Isaiah.  He looks just like his daddy, Bruce.  He is a pretty mellow little boy.  James wasn't too sure if he like Isaiah.  He is used to getting all the attention. :)

Sweet little Acacia.  

Miss Keren. 

Well I am still working on getting a good video of James crawling up here.  He is now climbing on everything he can and he follows Nate and I around like a puppy dog.  He can't stand being in a room by himself.  Well he just fell and bonked his head again, time to go comfort my baby. 

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