Monday, January 23, 2012

18 Months OLD!

Today my baby is 18 months old!  I can't believe how fast the last year and a half has gone.  James is such a sweet and wonderful toddler.  I still can't believe sometimes that he is a toddler.  I still want him to be my baby :(  
  • James favorite new word is "NO" he will say it emphatically or consecutively such as "no, no, no, no, no" 
  • Yes, James still has his pacifier.  I know it's getting about time to get rid of it, but it's so hard!
  • James still goes to sleep wrapped up in his swaddle blankets and his 'night 'nights (one of his many flannel blankets)  He usually goes to sleep really well for us.  Rarely does he have any trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.  He usually sleeps in till 9am on the days we don't have to be up.
  • James still takes a 3 hour nap usually after lunch until around 3
  • James loves his new daycare, and cries and runs around frantically when it's time to leave.  
  • James is not a very cuddly child.  He is always on the move, and so if I am ever offered a hug or a kiss, I cherish it.  Although, be aware, James will only kiss on the mouth, and will search your face until he finds it
  • I haven't officially had James weighed lately, but he is around 29lbs.  He is tall and slender.  He still has blonde curly hair, with a tinge of red.  His eyes have morphed into a crazy blue / green color. He has pale skin, just like his mama.
  • His favorite foods are: Chickens (chicken nuggets), easy mac, peaches and pears, BANANAS, french toast sticks, apple juice, orange juice, Coo Coos (cookies), and apple sauce. 
  • James loves to get into everything.  He loves to take things out of one place, and put them in another.  For example, yesterday I found a spoon in my boot.
  • James loves his bath. This is a new development, as he HATED them for a while.  I bought him new ducks for Christmas, and now if I say bath, he RUNS to the bathroom door.
  • "MooMoo" is James word for movies, and he LOVES them.  We have a lot of my old Disney movies as well as new ones we have accumulated.  He loves them all.  His Favorites are Monsters Inc. and the Jungle Book.  
  • James love to dance to music, but sadly has no rhythm, just like his mama
  • Temper Tantrums have begun, complete with head banging, slapping, and throwing himself onto the floor.  It's kinda comical.
James is a beautiful, sweet little boy that is growing up WAY too fast for this mama.  I just hope the next year and a half go a little slower! 

Here are some more pictures from Christmas!  

My two boys, always laughing and having fun

me and my bubba

Our Family

Opening up his bloks!  

Dad trying to teach him words

James LOVED his basketball and football!

opening his Santa gifts

A little bewildered by all the gifts

eating popcorn and having a family movie night



James didn't quite get the turning

First Hair Cut

He had his sucker, and he was done

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Photo Update

So, this post basically just contains a bunch of super cute pictures of one special little boy.  So, ENJOY

TWINS!  Nate, Peter, Isaiah, and James.

Uncle Peter and James

Being Cheesy

Licking off every last bit of Chocolate!

James Christmas Ornament

Gently Putting it on the Tree

Look what I can do with my ornament mom!

Maybe we should put it up higher!

Saying "Cheese"

Helping mom make cookies

Baking is FUN

Eating Cookies

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Found my Camera Cord!

So, it's been a really long time since I've been able to post!  It has been a crazy whirl wind of a month!  

OK, so as I stated before, we SOLD our house!  The appraisal came through yesterday $2500 dollars short of the offer, so we were a little bummed, but still just grateful and thankful that we sold our home so quickly!  This is one of the BIGGEST areas God has provided this last couple of months!  Our Closing Date should be on or before January 26th, so SOON!

We spent Christmas in GF finishing up Packing and just spending our last week together in our Home.  It was really nice to just be together.  (I'll post pics of Christmas in the next post).  Nate's family came up Tuesday the 27th and helped us move.  We moved EVERYTHING into the HUGE 26 foot moving truck on that Tuesday.  It was such a massive truck, but we actually packed it full.  The next morning we took off for Minot.  Now, it has been BEAUTIFUL weather in ND so far this winter, like 40s and 50s.  Well the day we moved to minot, an ice storm decided to descend upon us.  Thankfully it didn't hit till 20 miles out of Minot.  We all worked together to get everything out of the truck and into our apartment/garage.  That night we attempted to take the truck back to it's drop off location, but as we were driving a crazy dense fog set in.  We couldn't see 2 inches in front of us.  Now if you have ever driven a 26 foot truck you know how scary it can be, and that's in good weather.  We got out to the highway where we were supposed to drop it off at and couldn't see a thing.  We almost hit a stopped car in the road!  Thankfully Nate saw it in time and we were able to stop.  Steve ended up helping an old Lady out of the ditch who couldn't see to find her way out.  It was so scary.  We ended up using the GPS on my phone to find out where we were and just headed back home.  

I hitched a ride back to GF with Steve and Vicki on Friday the 30th and finished my last Weekend at Altru in GF.  It was a great weekend to finish my employment on.  It was a party all weekend long!  I miss all those girls so much.  They have truly been my family the last (almost) 4 years.  Monday morning I said my goodbyes, and took off to Minot on no sleep!  I ended up stopping in Lakota and sleeping in my car for 30 minutes because I was afraid I would fall asleep driving.

I started my first day at Trinity yesterday.  There have been a few obstacles (mainly with HR) but so far most everything has gone well.  Everyone has been really friendly and I think this will be a great new "home" for me.  The L&D Unit is definitely different as they don't have central monitoring, they have a communal shower.  Also, their nursery, OB and L&D are all separate units with separate charge nurses.  They have a SMALL c/s room on their floor for emergent cases, otherwise they all go downstairs to their main OR.  These are the biggest differences I have observed so far.  I'm sure that it will take some getting used to :)  I have 3 weeks of orientation (after my 2 WEEKS of hospital orientation) learning OB/GYN.  I'm not sure when I'll get to do labor again, but hopefully soon!  

Well, that's enough of an update for now.  I'll leave you with pictures of James in our old "apartment" (in the church basement)

Playing with the fan in his "ROOM"

Cords are fun


Just helping you do laundry, mom

Loving the pot belly, James :)

Always into something

James in his "ROOM"

Playing in his "ROOM"