Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Play Time

We bought James some finger paints.  Don't panic, they are washable.  He paints daily, and love every second.   

I think he was pretending to sleep.  He tucked himself in and everything

New way to get him to not cheese it up too much, I ask him to show me how to laugh :)

"Mom, this is my toy"

James was trying to fit the end of the broom handle into  the hole of the swimming noodle
SO Big

Look at me hold up my head like a pro

"Mom, what is this toy?"

"Here Sam, let me show you how this works"

This toy is more my speed.  All I have to do is lay here to be entertained.

No more pictures please, mom.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

11 weeks old

Sam is getting SO Chunky!  I Love it.  

I Love when I can capture his cute grin.  He seems to be most smiley in the mornings.  He may be the first morning person of the Norby bunch (doubtful)

All of the newborn hats I made Sam have gotten too small, so I dug out one of the bigger hats I made him.  

James LOVES to give his little brother hugs

I told James to help Sam not fall over, He wasn't too sure what to do

I then told James to put his arm around Sam.  He first tried to put it around Sam's front side, and then when he put his arm around Sam's back, Sam fell onto him and he got scared and jumped away.  
Someone needs to teach my child how to smile :)

Life has been good in the Norby house.  Sam is 11 weeks old today.  I go back to work in ONE WEEK!  YIKES.  This maternity leave has just flown by.  Sam is getting bigger and stronger every day.  He is getting really good at holding his head up and he still is rolling over like a pro.  He loves to lounge in his swing and watch his big brother play.  He loves to snuggle with his mom and dad.  He likes to stick his fist into his mouth.  Nate thinks he is teething, but I informed him that babies don't usually teeth until 6 months :)  I think we may end up with a thumb sucker though. Sam has been sleeping really well.  Lately he has slept from 10pm till 5am.  I don't really have him on any type of a sleeping schedule during the day, which is so different than I was with James.  I'm sure that this will change when I go back to work next weekend.  Sam has gotten 2 bottles and has downed them both in no time flat.  Nate said after he finished them, he just looked up at him like, "well, I'm done, now what?  Usually this take me 20 minutes"

James is changing every day too.  He is so smart and talks a mile a minute.  He loves to play with paints and playdough.  He is a little parrot, and will repeat EVERYTHING you say.  He knows all of his colors and basic shapes.  He loves to read Dr. Seuss books, especially hop on pop (he laughs every time we get to the part when the kids hop on pop) His favorite movies are still the Toy Stories, and lately he has really been into his Baby Einstein.  This might be because he has been having terrible nightmares lately, and Einsteins are not quite as scary as his other movies.  He has been waking up around 5am crying out because of scary dreams.  The other day he had a dream that buzz lightyear powed him, and the day before he dreamed that his leg fell off.  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

To Infinity, and BEYOND

James got all dressed up to go visit someone (Not Sure who)

I don't like seeing my baby with a backpack on, it remind me that way too soon this kiddo will be going to school 

Dad made James Buzz Lightyear wings!

Always my little goober

Sam showing off the hat I made for a friend's little girl

Half Smile (He stops smiling the minute I bring out the camera)

My Boys

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

A whole new world

Sammy was mad at me 
He sure is cute though

Sporting his new hearing aids for his 2 month picture.  Nate said something silly and this is the look Sam gave Nate

Sam got his new hearing aids last Friday.  These are loaners until our insurance clears.  They didn't have any kids sized tubing, so they had to use the adult size, so they are a little big, but he doesn't seem to mind them to much

He gives Dad this look a lot

My poor baby got his two month shots :(  

Not happy with tummy Time

Just Chilling

Nate turned the swing's  music on , and this is what Sam did.  He just stared at his mobile, like he had never heard it before (which was most likely the case)  He did this for about 5 minutes. Now every time music comes on when he has his hearing aids in, he just stops and listens.  
James doing "one finger, one thumb" from the wiggles

Acting out toy story

James hiding in the cabinet.  He was in the bathroom yelling "Hello, where are you?"  And when I went in the bathroom, he was hiding in the cabinet.  Apparently he wanted me to find him