Thursday, January 3, 2013

Samuel Steven Norby

Samuel Steven Norby

On Friday, December 28th, I had my last prenatal visit with Erica, my midwife.  She asked what I would like to do as I was 40 weeks and 1 day.  My cervix was dilated 3cm, but I hadn't really had any contractions for the last two weeks.  I decided to go ahead and plan for an induction.  She put me on the books for the next morning at 8am.  Nate's parents arrived Friday night to spend the weekend with us (one of the main reasons I decided to go ahead with the induction since we didn't really have a great plan for what to do with James if I went into labor)

Saturday Morning I arrived at Trinity Hospital at 8:10am (yes we were 10 minutes late)  Kat West was my nurse for the day.  She had my IV started and the pitocin flowing by 8:40.  The morning went pretty slowly.  I ordered some breakfast, and Nate watched a movie and did some work for school.  Around 10:00 my contractions started picking up but were still pretty comfortable.  I decided to sit on the birthing ball for a while and then at 11:00 decided to go for a walk.  At  around 11:30 Kat had turned my pitocin up to 14 and things were starting to get uncomfortable.  She left to go do a c/s downstairs and told me she would be back soon.  By noon, things were really hurting and I was definitely ready for an epidural.  Kelly came in and got everything set up for Dr. Lagrone.  He had the epidural in by 12:35.  I laid down, and felt a strange pop, I looked at Kat and told her my water had just broke. Erica came in and check me and I was 8cm dilated. I decided I would try and take a nap.  I turned to my side, but I could still feel the contractions and they were still feeling pretty uncomfortable.  Around 12:45 I told Kat that I though I might be pushing.  Erica came in and sure enough I was complete.  After they had everything set up I started pushing and in 3 or 4 contractions Samuel entered the world at 1:09pm.  He apparently came out with his hand up by his face.  He got to go right up onto my chest and stayed with me in the room for an hour before going to the nursery. 

Sam weighed 7lbs 7oz (2oz bigger than his brother James) and 19.5 inches long (same as his brother)

His head was 14.5 inches around (same big noggin as his brother's)

Nate got to change his first diaper in the nursery.  He had, however, peed all over both me and his nurse prior to going to the nursery :)

Getting his first bath from Marjie

Everything went so fast and smoothly.  I am so grateful and thankful to everyone for making the experience so perfect. We were able to go home the next day at 3:00 (just in time for the Vikings game that started at 3:30)  Samuel has been doing wonderfully at home.  He is a great eater, and sleeps wonderfully.  His big brother James has been doing surprisingly well.  No major signs of jealously yet.